5 Reasons to Own Your Home
November 9, 20173 Tips for Making Money in Real Estate
November 28, 2017
3 Life Lessons That Will Change Your Life
In Life there are many ups and downs but it’s how you choose to learn from them. That’s the key to success that will turn your business around. So let’s talk about 3 key lessons that I’ve learned that have helped me in my business.
1. Failure
- I have failed a thousand times but that’s not the point. The point is can you get knocked down and keep getting back up? This is the key to learn from failure. Take it from me as I’ve been in the film and tv industry for almost 20 years now. The main chunk of that was as an Actor. I have in that time been to over 1000+ auditions. That’s a fact, sometimes up to 5 a day in my prime. The problem was that for every 100 auditions I may have booked one role. That’s 100 days I had to take off of work or leave work early. 100’s of hours of missed money from that job. $1000’s of dollars spent on a private coach. Still I kept on going, I learned that if I was the best version of me as an Actor. That was really the only thing in my control. As long as I kept getting up and moving forward instead of staying down and dwelling. I eventually would be successful. That’s what failure will teach you in your life and business. Without failure you will not have success.
2. Success
- Success is spawned from failure. You aren’t just born successful! Seriously… Michael Jordan had to work day in and out. He didn’t make his high school team. But he got up again and again. So let’s talk about success. Before you became successful at anything odds are you failed at some point. But now that you have that success and are where you have visioned yourself. That’s the next key lesson in life as an entrepreneur. See you are now winning at what you are doing but that now what? Well you need to find a way to keep that success moving forward. It’s really as simple as short game vs long game. Most people are focused on the short game, meaning it’s all about getting that payday. You have that customer and they have bought what you are buying and on to the next client you go. I truly feel that in order to really stay successful is you need to focus on the long game. You need to make a game plan for a year, two years, ten years down the road. When you have that client they need to be a client for life. You don’t need to sell them anything today but be in their minds down the road for when they are ready to buy tomorrow. The long game is truly where no one really thinks about staying. Except for the successful and always busy entrepreneurs out there. The ones that think outside the box and do things their way instead of the way others are. But in order for all this success and failure to happen you first need to know that story. What I mean by that is what has happened for this to happen to you. Well it was something as simple as an opportunity
3. Opportunity
- Let’s talk about this for a moment. Opportunity is the absolute most important factor in what I feel you need to learn from your life. It is the queen and everything else serves it. Without opportunity there would be no failure and no success. See opportunity comes by you everyday o your life. It’s up to you to recognize it and go after it. When you are sitting back and frustrated, grumpy or down on yourself. You will be blind to what’s right there in front of you. This is as simple as lifting your head up high when walking down the road. Saying hi to someone you make eye contact with. As you see things start to form you will have this sense of how pieces of your puzzle start to connect. It really is a weird thing when all things line up. When they do more opportunities start to come your way and they start to come rapidly. Stay focused, stay hungry and be sure to let opportunity into your life. Once that happens I guarantee something will come of it.
So my friends I’ll leave you with this. Go out there and struggle a little, don’t be afraid to fail or succeed and once you become self-aware you will start letting opportunity into your life. This will make you so happy and great things will come your way.
Do yourself a favour and watch this video. It’s will help you understand where I’m coming from. Click Here